Gympie Welding Works

Cattle Handling Equipment and all other Steel Fabrication for Rural Australia

STUDMASTA Calf Race Components

STUDMASTA Calf Race Components

  • STUDMASTA Calf Race “ SHUT – OFF ” Gates – Self locking entry and exit gates for behind and in front of the Calf Cradle
  • STUDMASTA Calf Race Bows – easily pins between the Calf Race Panels for lengthening the Calf Race
  • STUDMASTA Calf Race Removable Top Bars – Top Bars are easily bolted into place between 2 Calf Race Panels – stopping the calves from jumping over the top
  • STUDMASTA 2.2m Front Panel & Race Bow – This Panel is put into place on the opposite side of the Calf Cradle to control direction the entry and exit of the calf
Gympie Welding Works

44 Excelsior Road, Gympie, Qld 4570

Phone 07 5482 1581

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